Agostu Mean iha Timor nia 1975Rekupera Esperansa no Reinventa Politika EmansipatoriuSep 11, 2020Sep 11, 2020
Impasse and Sovereignty in Timor-Leste: Notes on Democratic Agony in the Time of Corona [PART I]Keywords: Impasse, Sovereignty, COVID-19, Capital, Democracy, Timor-LesteJul 27, 20201Jul 27, 20201
Impase tinan tolu ona: Soberania iha ne’ebe nia liman?Ita moris iha epoka ‘amnesia’ no ‘konsensus’.May 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Karidade sem Virtude: Hakarak Lalehan ga Infernu?Karidade sem virtude, signifika, o fo oitoan, maibe akumula, foti no naok rikusoi (osan, hahan etc) mak barak. Laos laran luak, maibe…Apr 27, 2020Apr 27, 2020
Emerjensia Coronavirus: Entre Estadu Exepsaun no Politika Alternativu iha Timor-LesteFoin lalais iha loron 16 Marsu, enkontru extraordinariu iha Konsellu Ministru desidi hodi solisita ba Prezidenti Republika atu dekreta…Mar 17, 2020Mar 17, 2020
Lisan iha Demokrasia Liberal: Hakiduk iha Timor-Leste no ‘nesesidade’ ba politika radikalBainhira maksimuk Laureadu Nobel ba Dame Jose Ramos-Horta no Xefi Estadu Forsa Armada (F-FDTL) Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur bolu Primeiru…Feb 16, 2020Feb 16, 2020
Lisan in Liberal Democracy: A setback in Timor-Leste and the need for radical politicsWhen the Nobel Laureate Peace Prize recipient Jose Ramos-Horta and the Chief of Armed Forces (F-FDTL) Major General Lere Anan Timur called…Feb 13, 2020Feb 13, 2020
Dili: Centuries on and ‘1975’ revisitedWe need history, but we need it differently from the spoiled lazy-bones in the garden of knowledgeJan 14, 20202Jan 14, 20202